The mere
mention of the word “reunion” sends many people running for cover. Of course, some
people love them, as I often do. Naturally, it depends upon the kind of reunion
that’s up for discussion: family, school, neighbors or the old gang from that
job you had ten years ago. Those last two usually revolve around some social
opportunity like a wedding or a funeral.
reunions I skip right off the top (they have to sound like fun), some are conflicts on my schedule, or the
effort is just too much to make them
worthwhile (ROI analysis). If the event has passed the screening process and I can make it
happen (and I
want to make it happen), I go. I’d be hard- pressed to think of
any reunion I attended and regretted. These events are the epitome of the old
adage: It is what you make it out to be.”
But a word to the wise: don’t subject your spouse to these more often
than once, if you want to stay married that is.
family reunion I attended recently was centered on my aunt’s 90th.
The actual reconnecting with her and my cousins was just as warm and affirming
as I’d hoped. The pleasant surprise was how much fun and interesting it was to
meet their relations from the other side of their family, those who are unrelated
to me. The common platform that brought us together was enough to break the ice
and more. Soon we were sharing stories and perspectives, feeding off of one
another’s enthusiasm. It was great fun.
classic vision of a reunion is school-related. Some dread these like the
plague: “I didn’t like those people when I was in school,” “I’m afraid my ex
will be there,” or the ever-popular “I feel too fat.” My favorite is “Who else is
going?” Why don’t you go and find out? Heavens knows? It could be as whacky as
that classic comedy,
Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion (click on the link to refresh your memory).
With my fraternity Little Sister Susie and my roommate Kevin |
last month was a reunion at my college. University of the Pacific no longer has
a football team (sadly), so they don’t focus on a football game. They can get
creative. For years this meant holding the event in June, but I (for one)
complained that it was too darned hot for outdoor activities in Stockton that
time of year. Add to the above list of complaints: “I don’t look my best bathed
in sweat.” And don't we all want to look our best at a reunion?
With two of my Theta sorority favorites, another Susie and Luann |
my college reunions returned to October. Hooray! Of course, it now conflicts
with other reunions as October is just that perfect time of year for such things.
This year shouldn’t have been a
conflict with my high school's reunion. However, the university rotates events to
focus on selected fraternities and sororities. This year, they featured my frat and the
sorority where I worked in food service (Yes, I was a “hasher” at the Theta house). I love my frat brothers and my Theta girls.
Was it
fun? In the words of my best bud Mike, “I wish I could’ve been there.” The
pleasure I get at a reunion is not so much “reliving old times,” it is reinvigorating the positive
connections with people whose friendship and company I enjoyed (and still do). There were satisfying
connections with old friends, catching up on newer times.
But what
of the high school reunion that I blew off? I followed up with another friend and old
neighbor John, who did attend. Even though we were blended with the rival high school surprising number of my old high school classmates had
attended. Hearing some of the names made me smile and think, “”I wish I
could’ve been there.”
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